Veda Yoga and Wellness

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Eating and Drinking Mindfully

Do you mindfully eat and/or drink? 

Especailly now, and I know because I do it too, we eat so quickly and often while multi tasking. How does this affect our experience?

Do you ever completely forget what you ate for breakfast...that day! I'll often get to the evening and have completely forgotten what I had for lunch. And usually because I was eating while working, or while watching TV. 

Today I challenged our community to mindfully experience a hot drink. To carve out 10 minutes of their day, and literally do nothing - but drink. To notice the flavours, the sensations, the breath.

Do you enjoy reading? Here's my suggestion for your book list!


♡ It acts as a form of meditation

♡ Mindfully eating gives you time to check in and know when the body is full

♡ It helps you understand how the body feels with different foods/food groups

♡ It helps you slow down and relax

Tips from Harvard Health suggest to be mindful from the beginning, from buying the food, to making the food, to actually consuming it. I also wholeheartedly believe that intentions, thoughts, and energy while buying/prepping/cooking affect the food...but that's a whole other tangent.

Here's an exceprt from that article:

1. Begin with your shopping list. Consider the health value of every item you add to your list and stick to it to avoid impulse buying when you're shopping.

2. Come to the table with an appetite— but not when ravenously hungry. If you skip meals, you may be so eager to get anything in your stomach that your first priority is filling the void instead of enjoying your food.

3. Start with a small portion. It may be helpful to limit the size of your plate to nine inches or less.

4. Appreciate your food. Pause for a minute or two before you begin eating to contemplate everything and everyone it took to bring the meal to your table. Silently express your gratitude for the opportunity to enjoy delicious food and the companions you're enjoying it with.

5. Bring all your senses to the meal. When you're cooking, serving, and eating your food, be attentive to color, texture, aroma, and even the sounds different foods make as you prepare them. As you chew your food, try identifying all the ingredients, especially seasonings.

6. Take small bites. It's easier to taste food completely when your mouth isn't full. Put down your utensil between bites.

7. Chew thoroughly. Chew well until you can taste the essence of the food. (You may have to chew each mouthful 20 to 40 times, depending on the food.) You may be surprised at all the flavors that are released.

8. Eat slowly. If you follow the advice above, you won't bolt your food down. Devote at least five minutes to mindful eating before you chat with your tablemates.


So today I challenge you to do the same. Take 10 minutes, make yourself a drink, and mindfully enjoy it. I can't wait to hear about your experience!

Want to kick your drink experience up a notch? Try this lavender latte recipe.

1) Brew 2oz of espresso (can sub for strong coffee)

2) Add 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil to cold milk

3) Steam the milk (to approx. 150F)

4) Pour the steamed milk into the espresso

5) Optional, top with dried lavender flowers


If you need a little inspriation for food and drinks, our memberships offer a meal plan from our holistic nutritionist, and they are amazing! 

Want to learn more about joining our community? Click here.