Veda Yoga and Wellness

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Tips to get back to your yoga practice

Did you fall out of your yoga practice?

You're not alone. Many people stepped away from their yoga practice over the past year. Work, school,'s a lot to juggle. 

First, you did the best you could over the past year. And it's totally okay that you lost sight of your routine, and the activities you did just for yourself.

After some time away, it can feel daunting to get back on your mat. You may have even forgotten how good your body and mind felt with your regular practice.

So, as the province starts to open up again, I wanted to send you some tips for getting back into your yoga practice. Which I am sure you can apply to lots of other areas in your life as well.

Don't judge.

You're not going to pick up where you left of. So your first step is to not judge yourself, don't be hard on yourself for how your body and life has changed.

Take it slow.

Start with one or two classes per week, and listen to your body. Listen to when you need to rest, how your body feels when you're moving. Again, your body has likely changed over the past year, so don't force yourself into postures you haven't done in a while. Listen. Your body knows what it needs.

Pre book your classes.

The best way to keep yourself accountable is to pre book yourself in for your classes and mark them on your calendar. You can also let others know of your self care time, so they can hold you accountable as well.

Use the props!

Use props to support your body and support your practice. When your body feels supported and comfortable, you are more likely to keep returning to your practice. If you're practicing from home, use whatever props you have available.

Enjoy the process.

Enjoy getting back into your routine, to your practice, and remembering what it feels like to take care of yourself again. Take time to appreciate your body, to notice how you feel after a class.


Take it easy, leave the judgement behind, schedule time for yourself, and enjoy the journey!

As always, I am here to help in whatever way I can.

If you're ready to join us for group classes, why don't we start again and you can grab our all access new client special, $45 for 30 days of unlimited access. Click here.